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Monthly Archives: July 2014

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Are You in Denial About Your Health?

Deb Brown, NSCA-cpt, cwc, cns

As personal trainers, we are on the front lines of the war against obesity and chronic health issues. A disturbing trend has emerged over the past few years: people are in denial about the status of their health. We constantly hear about how people are too busy to exercise, eat right and take care of themselves. We see people procrastinating on getting into the doctor for exams and tests they need. Many people who are striving to lose weight say they “eat healthy”, only to discover that when they keep a food journal for us, their food intake is way too much. Some people get a diagnosis of a chronic disease like diabetes and they are STILL not motivated to focus on their health. It is time to take our health more seriously! If you will not do it for yourself, do it for your family!

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you wearing a larger size in clothing than this time last year?
  • Is your stress level constantly high and if so, are you taking steps to manage or reduce it?
  • Do you rationalize being weaker then you want to be because you are “too busy with work, life, kids, etc” to pay attention to it?
  • Are you constantly putting the needs of your family in front of your own needs?
  • Do you say to yourself that you will start exercising “when x happens”?
  • Do you find the number on the scale creeping up slowly?
  • Are there activities that you used to enjoy that you cannot do because of your weight and/or health issues?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is time to take a serious look in the mirror and do a gut check. Is your health where it should be? Are you taking good care of yourself? Are you modeling healthy behaviors for your children or are you teaching them that being too busy to take care of your own health is acceptable? If you have decided that you need to make a change but are not sure how to actually start, here is what you should do:

First, talk to a trusted doctor, friend or family member. Make sure it is someone who will talk frankly (but in a supportive way) to you. Second, make a plan to address the issue. Break it down into small, actionable steps that will not overwhelm you. Third, take action. Even a small step will help you to feel better and get healthier.

No one is going to care about your health as much as you will. I encourage you to take stock of your current health situation and make whatever changes you need to make so that you can live your live at an optimal level of health. You’ll be so glad you did!

Exercise May Cure What Ails You!

Dave Brown, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

I was in the airport preparing to fly out to visit my brother in Maine. While walking around the concourse looking for a gift for my nephew, one of Tim Russert’s books caught my eye. For those who may not remember, Tim Russert was a popular journalist who was a moderator for 16 years on “Meet the Press”. Tim passed away in 2008, at age 58 from a heart attack. This was such a sad loss for so many reasons. As I saw the book and his smiling face on the cover, I remembered just how shocked everyone was when he passed away. While I didn’t know him, how he ate or his exercise regimen, it was obvious he had been overweight for a long time. With his age, waist size and waist-to-hip ratio, I suspect there had been warnings from his doctors. Very possibly, he was working to get in better shape, but the damage had been done.

The body can tolerate years of abuse and is amazing in it’s ability to keep chugging along. Not surprisingly, there is a breaking point, sometimes with catastrophic outcomes. For many of you reading this, you may have noticed some changes in yourself or a family member. Often we use rationalizing phrases like, “My stress is normal”, “We’re getting older and slowing down”, or “It’s just an extra 10 pounds”, while failing to realize the signs had been there for months or years and we just chose to ignore them. So, where will your health be in 5 or 10 years if you keep ignoring it?

The most common reason we hear why people either can’t get started or maintain exercising is because they don’t have time. Busy, busy, busy seems to be the mantra these days. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘No one on their deathbed wished they had worked more’. If you don’t make time for yourself no one else is going to. You have things you want to do now and in the future; dreams you want to make come true. That’s all for naught if you are physically unable to do those things.

There are many reasons to make a change. One of the most important is so we can move and function better. When you can move better, you can do more and the possibilities are endless, but you have to take the first step. Before you know it, that step turns into a run. Stop! Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like where you are physically and emotionally? Could you have more energy, be less stressed, wish you could participate more fully in life?

I leave you with a comment made by Dr. Emrah Duzel, director of the Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research at Germany’s University Hospital Magdeburg, “When you exercise, you change 20 things at the same time. There’s no medicine that can achieve that.”

Are you ready to make a commitment to change your life? We’re here to help. Give us a call at 303.816.1426 to find out how. On The Move Fitness is a Personal Training Studio located in Conifer dedicated to helping you Move Better, Feel Better and Be Better.

What Are You Waiting For?


As a Personal Trainer, I am mystified as to why so many people are willing to become unhealthier by the day. We have a population in the United States that continues to gain weight, eat poorly, exercise too little and are becoming less and less functional. By functional I mean people can’t move! Parents can’t play with their kids, which are memories of fun that will never happen. Grandparents can’t get in and out of the floor to play with their Grandkids. People can’t hike, ride bikes or ski anymore. More kids are overweight than ever. More and more people are suffering from metabolic risk factors; high blood pressure, large waistline, high triglycerides, high blood sugar leading to diabetes. In many of these cases prescription medicine is needed, often for life. Frankly, this saddens and worries me greatly for future generations.Hope is never lost and things can change. But, they can only change when someone decides, truly decides, they want change to happen. No excuses. We have to reach what I call A Point. For change to occur, there is going to have to be sacrifice. We don’t like that as humans, we want what we want and we want it now. But, think about it, we get unhealthy because we aren’t willing to make sacrifices, so to get healthier we’ll have to make sacrifices. We’ll have to eat out at restaurants less, we’ll have to workout when we are too tired or just don’t feel like it. We may have to tell friends, “No I can’t go out tonight”. Life will be different, life will be better!

By making changes, small changes, over time, things will be different. You can go on that hike with your kids or grand kids and create unforgettable memories. You’ll be able to ski again. Maybe run that first 5K or start biking again. By dropping weight you will be able to buy those cool new jeans you haven’t been able to fit into. I guarantee you will have more energy and less stress.

How do I know this? Well, for one, I’ve been overweight before. I’ll never forget the day I decided to change for good over 16 years ago. I also get to see our clients make inspirational changes every day. Change is tough, but anything worthwhile is. No matter the goal, when people start moving better and feeling better everything becomes possible. Our stresses are still stressful, but no longer impossible. Making better food choices become easier. Participating in life becomes a mantra.

So where do you start? Just get moving. Start working out, go for a walk around the block, take a short hike. Momentum will start to build and you’ll be unstoppable. Will everything go smoothly? Not a chance. But if we keep doing what we’ve been doing we’ll get the same result. Right now, write a goal down and take one action toward that goal. That one small step is how greatness begins!

Work and Your Health

I have been struck recently by the number of people I know who have high stress jobs and how it is negatively impacting their health. Alternately, I am impressed with how some people can keep their health a priority even given the demands of the work place. Current challenges in the workplace include long commutes, unpredictable schedules, difficult clients, long hours, increasing amounts of work responsibility, demanding bosses, and an overall high level of stress. Compound that with erratic eating, meals out with clients, and spotty sleep and you have a recipe for over-the-top stress and exhaustion. Here are some ideas to maintain optimal health in the workplace:

Exercise: preferably in the morning before the work day starts. Lunchtime or even after your work day will work as well. Even if you can squeeze in 30 minutes of movement after a long day, you will feel better. I cannot stress enough how a regular exercise program will help you feel more centered and grounded on a daily basis. This helps reduce stress in a big way.

Healthy eating: try to eat every 3-4 hours (small mini-meals) that keep your energy up and blood sugar on an even keel. Set an alarm on your computer or phone to remind you. Drink water and non-caffeinated beverages frequently so that you can stay hydrated. Make sure you are getting some healthy carbs, protein and fat at every meal. Do not eat at your desk if you can help it. A change of scenery is always refreshing. If you must stay in/near the office, at least try to get out of the office for a quick 10 minute walk outside.

Set boundaries: Try to get out of work at a reasonable time every night. Make appointments with yourself to workout and treat that like any other appointment. Sure, sometimes it will not work for you to get out the door on time, but you can at least shoot for 80%. Realize that you need to make yourself a priority. Your job is temporary, your health is forever. (Repeat that last line).

Realize that stress is not going away. Figure out ways to adapt and manage it. Eating properly, exercising, getting enough sleep and employing relaxation techniques will all help you to be able to manage stress. If you can, get regular massages. Get outside for some fresh air and sunshine on a consistent basis. Practice meditation or yoga for relaxation. Dedicate time to your hobbies and passions to help create a balanced life. Invest time in relationships with friends and family.

Participate in Life!

Dave Brown, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

cathedral-rocksI recently returned from our annual Dad/Girls trip. These are annual trips I take with just my daughters, Katelyn and Abby, that allow me to spend focused time with just them without life’s distractions. Deb does the same type of trip in July. This year we ventured a little further than usual to Sedona, AZ and the Grand Canyon. If you’ve not been, it’s a must do trip. I’m not one usually at a loss for words, but Sedona is a tough place to put into words. There’s a presence there like I’ve felt nowhere else. Likewise, the Grand Canyon is so immense that the brain can’t comprehend it.

While we were hiking the first day it hit me that trips like these are thebest reason to be in good shape. Because when you can do things like hike, bike, travel with your kids or with a friend or spouse you are Participating in Life! In doing so, you’ll experience a deep peace and satisfaction that cannot be duplicated in any other way. The memories and sites we experienced on our trip will be with us forever.

One of the hikes that stands out was our hike up into the Cathedral Rocks, one of the vortex sites. While it’s only about a mile to the top, it’s straight up the side of a mountain, all rocks, with 1076’ feet of elevation gain in that short distance. Once up there we hiked and scrambled around the rocks with ever-changing views.

While on this hike we came across a family that did not make it to the top. The Mom and kids (probably in their late teens) were both overweight and sadly the Mom was unable to even start the hike due to sore knees and steps she needed to go down. The kids started the hike, but did not seem to make the top. When we carry extra weight on our bodies, it prevents us from truly Participating in Life. I know, I was there 15 years ago, weighing 30 pounds more than I do now. There’s no way I could have done the hikes and bike rides I do today. If I had not lost the weight years ago, I can’t imagine how many of the amazing memories I have with Deb and the kids would have been lost.

You may remember we profiled Paul Colangelo’s amazing weight-loss journey in January. Paul continues to expand his limits and recently completed the Elephant Rock 27 mile off-road mountain bike ride. Afterwards he sent Deb and I an email titled Redefining Physical Limits talking about the positive impacts of being healthier. Paul is now able to participate in activities that before would have be impossible 21 months ago.

Losing weight, lowering high blood pressure or getting diabetes under control is incredible. But along the journey the true gem is being able to Participate in Life and create experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

Give us a call to find out how your can get in the best shape of your life and start Participating in Life.


Ready For a Change?

Deb Brown, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Wellness Coach

As we head toward the New Year, many people start to think about changing or improving their lives. January 1st starts a clean slate for us all and it is a great time for introspection and motivation. How do you want to be different in the coming year? What would you like to improve about your life? We routinely work with clients who are wanting to transition into a healthier lifestyle. They express that they want to eat healthier, feel stronger and look better. An important point that we tell them to consider is that they must prepare to change. It is difficult under the best of circumstances to change one’s habits. But one thing that will give you a shot at being successful is to prepare. How do you do this?

First, it helps to define where you are today and where, exactly, is it that you want to go? Define the gap between here and there. Writing it down will help to articulate the specifics and to get things clear in your head. Define your motivators for wanting to achieve this change. It also helps to document the challenges you may have in your way. As you list the challenges, also list several strategies to overcoming these challenges. If you get stumped, ask family and friends for help. Second, create specific steps that you are ready to do to start the process of change. Think small changes and baby steps. Visualize yourself doing the actions it will take to get you to your goal. Also, visualize what it will look like when you have achieved success. Third, measure your progress and adapt to changing life situations as you go. And don’t forget to reward yourself as you obtain your goals!

One of the most important areas in your plan should be to define your support system. This is your group of family, friends and knowledgeable professionals who have a clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish and want to help you get there. Also figure out if there are saboteurs in your life: those people who do NOT want you to succeed. Unfortunately, some of your closest friends and relatives can be your most daunting saboteurs. It takes courage and real commitment to realize that and decide that you are going to change anyway. Figure out how you will deal with those people NOW. Do not wait until you are actively working hard on your personal change. You must be prepared beforehand.

December is the perfect month for organizing how you will change. In the last week of the month, as the hectic schedule of the past few weeks begins to wind down, take some time to ponder what you want your life to be like in the next year. Some time invested now in planning will pay dividends down the line as you execute a well-organized, supported plan for life change.

Top Ten Ways to Avoid Fitness Burn-out

Deb Brown, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Wellness Coach

It’s wonderful when you can make fitness an ongoing and important priority in your life. As the months (and years) go by, you may find you get tired and burnt out on your fitness routine. Below are the top ten ways to avoid getting burnt out on working out:

  1. Start with a solid foundation – your fitness activities should be enjoyable and safe for your abilities. One of the quickest ways to burn out is start something too fast or too intense, only to end up sidelined with an injury.
  2. Think about doing multiple activities to work your body in different ways. Doing the same thing over and over is boring and hard on the body. For example, if you are a road cyclist, how about trying mtn biking or running?
  3. Create goals around your fitness activities to keep you motivated and on-track.
  4. Sign up for an event – nothing gets you motivated and focused like signing up for an event. There is something about spending money when signing up for an event that gets you very committed. Check out www.active.com for events in the Denver area.
  5. Try something new – what have you always wanted to learn? What did you like to do when you were a kid? Harness that passion and try something new – it will feel great to learn a new skill and will jump-start your enthusiasm for movement and fitness.
  6. Change workouts with the season – Hike and bike when it’s warm, changeover to swimming indoors and cross country skiing in the winter; keep things fresh!
  7. Pick up some weights – resistance training will give you more energy to do the things you love (and that’s just one of the many benefits!).
  8. Enlist the help of personal trainer – a good trainer will keep your fitness routine fun and creative by changing things up every 4-6 weeks.
  9. Do it with friends or family – Make it a social occasion with friends, or time to bond with your loved ones and you will remain committed. Plus, it will make your activities seem easier and more fun.
  10. Take planned breaks or a longer hiatus if needed – take a week or two off during the year and just relax. It will do your body AND your mind good. You will return refreshed and ready to hit it hard!