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Monthly Archives: August 2014

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Being in great shape is awesome, but don’t lose your edge!

I got out for a hike on Hoosier Pass this weekend with the pups, Sadie and Lucky. When I’m out hiking enjoying everything Colorado has to offer is one of the times I most appreciate being in the physical shape to do it. Heading off trail is where the magic happens!

Everyone knows working out is a great thing, we see it in the press everyday. It’s when we can use that fitness to drive our outside activities and discover new things is when it all becomes worth it. This is the time we’re most likely to be the most at peace and our thoughts have the most clarity.  Exercise is Medicine (http://exerciseismedicine.org)!

Working out long-term can sometimes have a downside. We start to get comfortable because things that were hard are now easier, we’ve met some goals and maybe the workouts don’t feel as new and fresh as they once did. It’s inevitable that working out can at times get a tad repetitive (even for trainer’s). Now the brain starts with thoughts like; I’m in good shape, I can do the things I want, I’ll take a little break and get back to it later. Sadly we get out of shape much quicker than we get in shape. During these times is when you need to keep a laser focus to keep driving forward. Set new goals, pick a hike, look toward ski season, anything to keep driving forward. Just don’t stop!!! Trust me coming back after de-training is the worst because we remember what were capable of doing when stopped.

On that note, can you believe it’s almost time to start ski conditioning?

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