When the temperatures drop is the time most people stop going outdoors for activities. In my opinion some of the most magical times of the year are being missed. Every thing looks different when you add snow to it. The peaks are more beautiful, the crisp morning air is refreshing and there’s nothing like the hearing crunch of snow under your shoes.
Sure it’s cold and that first taste of the cold stings. But, the body is one incredible adaptive machine. We generally get past the initial shock within 5-10 minutes and start shedding layers within 30 minutes. I’m always surprised just how much the body heats up. Even in the teens you’ll be surprised how little gear you need if you’re hiking or running.
Did I mention layers. Absolutely critical to dress in layers. Leave your cotton at home! Depending on the temperatures and where you’ll be plan on a wicking layer (synthetic or wool), an insulating layer and some type of wind protection. Especially if you’re like me and you head to the alpine environment. Don’t forget to hydrate, we sweat more than we think when it’s cold.
Don’t imitate a bear and hibernate all winter, get outside and I promise there may be some magic around the next corner.
See you on the trails!
Some resource for trails:
Top Snowshoe Hikes In Colorado
Colorado’s Best Snowshoeing Trails