By Deb Brown, NSCA-CPT, cwc,cns
Everyday eating decisions affect your overall health in a big way. We are all very busy and often this leads to grabbing whatever is easiest and most convenient, regardless of nutritional quality. This leads to an intake of foods high in calories, salt and saturated fats. These foods also tend to be low on fiber and nutrients. Eating on the run also tends to mean a lower intake of fruits and vegetables, which contain very important nutrients. All of this encourages weight gain, an unbalanced intake of nutrients and a lack of sustained energy. With a little thought and planning, you can decide to eat better on a daily basis, leading to greater energy and health. Here are some eating situations we all encounter every day and some ideas on how you can make the best decisions:
- Out at a restaurant with friends/family – Skip the bread, appetizers, dessert and if possible, alcohol. Just have an entree consisting of a lean protein and healthy vegetables. Practice good portion control: eat until you are satisfied and then STOP eating! Get the rest bagged up for tomorrow’s lunch.
- Running errands – plan your day and bring a cooler filled with healthy snacks and a healthy lunch. Don’t forget to bring plenty of water.
- Late night hunger – avoid getting hungry later at night by eating a good dinner and making sure you are getting enough calories throughout the day. Try to eat something every 3 or 4 hours.
- Busy and stress-filled workdays: pack a healthy lunch and snacks that you will look forward to eating. Include some healthy and delicious treats that you love such as small amounts of dark chocolate, tasty yogurt or fresh berries. Eating healthy does NOT mean eating dull and boring foods.
- Watching TV/Movies – mindless eating can really get you into trouble here! Have some healthy snacks available and put a specific portion into a bowl to enjoy.
- At home: eat a good breakfast which includes healthy portions of protein, carbohydrate and some fat. Make sure your house is stocked with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that you can grab when on the run. Whole grain crackers/bread, low-fat cheese, hummus, peanut butter, Clif Bars and hard boiled eggs are some good grab-and-go staples.
If you are wondering where to begin, first analyze your current eating patterns and look for places where you can make healthier eating decisions. Start by keeping a food log for just 7 days and then you can see just what you are putting into your body. Little dietary changes that you can make throughout the day really do add up over the course of a week, month and year.