Deb Brown, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Wellness Coach
We have many clients who travel for work. Many of them are seeking to lose weight. It is, admittedly, very difficult to lose weight while on the road. Let’s face it, airplane food is not the healthiest and many airports do not carry healthy choices in the terminals. Then, there are the numerous business lunches and dinners, where you are expected to wine and dine for hours on end. Trade shows and conventions? Exhausting! You are on your feet all day and must always be “on” for potential clients. Does this sound familiar? If so, and you are someone who is also needing to lose weight, I am here to tell you that it can and has been done. Here are some strategies that are working for our clients who travel:
- Have a plan. Prioritize healthy eating and exercising in and among your other duties. Be prepared for the plan to change.
- Bring healthy, portable foods on the plane and into your hotel room. Items that work: nuts, seeds, dried and fresh fruit, Clif Bars, etc.
- Arrive at client meals having already eaten a healthy snack. Do not show up hungry.
- Schedule in appointments for exercise as you are scheduling in your other client appointments. Commit to this appointment, just as you would commit to any other appointment.
- Try to stay in hotels where there is a gym. If that isn’t possible, scope out local gyms or rec centers where you can purchase a day pass. Many of our clients travel with a TRX Suspension trainer that weighs less than 5 pounds and can attach to any hotel door. There are numerous exercises that can be done just with this one piece of equipment.
- Seek out local parks for walking or running. Walk to and from appointments if possible. It is possible to stay active on the road. You just need to make it as much of a priority as you do your work!
Watch your portions and focus on lean protein and vegetable items. Forgo the extra calories in appetizers and desserts. Limit or restrict alcoholic drinks. Yes, your client may have an expectation that you will drink . But, you need to stand firm on this one. If you were a recovering alcoholic, it would be non-negotiable.
The most important strategy is to have a certain mindset about keeping up with your healthy eating and exercise while on the road. It CAN be done. We have a client who travels extensively and has lost 50 pounds in just under 3 months. He is committed and disciplined. You can be too!